The church's work needs many hands and we appreciate your support to be a vibrant, supportive presence in our communities.
- Your support will help keep our buildings warm and dry so that we can host events such as soup and sandwich luncheons, concerts, worship and offer hospitality during community and personal crisis, celebrations of life, spiritual nurture and welcome.
- Your support will help us continue to share the leadership and pastoral skills of a Minister who serves all of our communities.
Your tax-deductible donations can be a one-time offering or a scheduled monthly offering or, when in-person worship resumes, be given weekly as you attend worship.
- How to donate:
- Mail your cheque, made out to your church of choice, to Box 392, Oyen, Alberta, T0J 2J0.
- Fill in a PAR form (attached below) and mail, with a voided cheque, to the above address. This will authorize a monthly support amount to be given directly to the church from your bank account. Using the PAR Program, ensures that our Treasurer receives an accurate list of all those who are donating through monthly amounts.
- Or send your donation by E-Transfer. Don't forget to put in the notes if this is for Local or Mission and Service Funds. No Password is needed. Oyen United Church: Cereal United Church:
Thank you.