Each of the United Churches in this Big Country Area offers regular worship opportunities: some are offered weekly, some twice a month, some at varying times throughout the year.
Worship leadership may be by Ordered Ministry Personnel, or by Lay Worship Leaders.
Each experience is unique. We use varying types of music, power point, and formats to provide opportunities for asking questions about faith and how it enriches our lives.
In worship we are encouraged to examine our faith...Where do we meet God in the Valleys and Celebrations of our lives? How does Jesus guide our decisions when we hear of injustice throughout the world and in our community? When does the Holy Spirit fill us with energy and purpose to live out our faith in our daily living?
Beginning in 2015, our Church Communities also committed to worshipping with each other too. At various times throughout the year worship was cancelled at all churches except the hosting church. We travelled to worship together offering the experience of a full church to small communities that sometimes find themselves with less than ten worshippers on a regular basis. In the midst of this we are renewing old friendships and finding new Spirit-connections.
We invite anyone to come and join in worship with us.