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Indigeous Day of Prayer
Indigenous Day of Prayer, the Sunday before National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21), is an opportunity to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ values, customs, languages, and culture.
Our service today is inspired by a service provided to us by the United Church of Canada. 
In this time of worship, as we continue to hear stories in the news of Residential Schools, Indigenous communities that can't access clean water or Vaccines, we are once again challenged to put our faith into actions to support God's children. 
Our scripture speaks to us of our task of caring for each other, of loving our neighbours as we want to be loved. Last week in Oyen, there was a water break for a few hours and people were immediately concerned. Can you imagine such a thing lasting for years? 
Let's not get uncomfortable with these reminders that we can do better. Let's get comfortable with being the voice that ensures we do do better. 
If you wish to join watch the service online together, please email Helen at to receive your Zoom invitation