
Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus: 2 Thessalonians 1;1-4, 11-12
Who do you see?

Today's story of Zacchaeus took us into an exploration of how we perceive other people, how we judge without knowledge, how easy it is to get pulled into picking on someone without knowing their struggles, their story. 

It also was a reminder that God invites everyone in, that there is room for learning and teaching and rich conversation with folk we may not expect to be open to this. 

Thesalonians offered the challenge of being that community that sets itself apart to do good. That offers a different way of looking after the world so that it will be an example for others to follow. 

Who are we missing because they don't feel safe enough to ask us for what they need? Who is looking at us and waiting for the invitation?

Are we listening?